"DESCRIPTION 1"="By default, Windows XP support a service known as "Universal Plug&Play" (UnPnP in short). This service is intend to support self-connecting and self-configurating devices that communicate using standard LAN protocols. However, today there are no UnPnP devices available so these services are not needed."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="And, to make UnPnP even more unneded, the first release of Windows XP had a BIG problem with the UnPnP services since they allowed an intruder to take over your machine. NOTE: Microsoft has released an security-fix for this in the meantime."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="To make it short: You don't need those services and they are a security risk - Simply deactivate them. If you ever decide you need them, you can activate them here again."
"DESCRIPTION 4"="For more information about UnPnP, check our Gibson Research Corp. at http://grc.com/UnPnP/UnPnP.htm"
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"